Dual Credit Registration For Current 10th and 11th graders

TCC Dual Credit is available during Junior & Senior year. Interested students must complete the application process the year prior to taking their first dual credit course. Please consult the MHS Counselor Canvas Course for updated information!



  • Must be a current 10th or 11th grader
  • Must have a 7.00 or higher GPA


Application Process

The process requires multiple steps and tasks to be completed.

  • Attend Information Meeting (Nov 10)
  •  (Having trouble? Call TCC Help Desk at 817-515-6411 or go to  M/T/W 3p-5p)
  • Receive TCC ID Number, tell your counselor what your ID number is
  • Login to Hello!TCC (Hello! TCC First-Time Login Instructions)
  • Take and pass the TSI test
    • Tell your counselor if you think you might be exempt from the TSI based on PSAT, SAT or ACT scores
    • If you are not exempt, you must pass the TSI test
      • You will be contacted with instructions to complete the Pre-Assessment Activity (PAA) and a test date for your TSI test session
      • Check the MHS Counselor Canvas Course for free TSI practice
  • Attend mandatory orientation for first-time dual credit students


Register for TCC Dual Credit Classes

  • Follow instructions in the TCC Dual Credit module in the MHS Counselor Canvas Course to register for classes via MyTCC.